A Christian couple opposed to homosexuality who lost the first round of a battle to continue fostering children have announced their intention to appeal.
A Christian couple opposed to homosexuality who lost the first round of a battle to continue fostering children have announced their intention to appeal.
Eunice and Owen Johns, from Derby, said the city council did not want them to look after children because of their traditional views. Mr and Mrs Johns said they could not tell a child homosexuality was an acceptable lifestyle. The couple, who are Pentecostal Christians, say they were "doomed not to be approved".
In a shocking but not unexpected judgment on Monday 28th February, the High Court ruled against the Johns.
Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson took the view that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation "should take precedence" over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds.They said that if children were placed with carers who objected to homosexuality and same-sex relationships, "there may well be a conflict with the local authority's duty to 'safeguard and promote the welfare' of looked-after children".
The Judges stated that Christian beliefs on sexual ethics may be ‘inimical’ to children, and they agreed with the perverse view of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission that Christian moral beliefs damage children. 'Infect’ was the word used. Recently introduced 'Diversity and Equality' policies mean Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics have been ruled unsuitable as foster carers. Some, to use George Orwell's famous observation, are more equal than others.
The judgment strongly affirms homosexual rights over freedom of conscience and leaves the Johns currently unable to foster a child, despite their proven track record as foster parents. 'There now appears to be nothing to stop the increasing bar on Christians who wish to adopt or foster children but who are not willing to compromise their beliefs', said the Christian Legal Centre, representing Owen and Eunice.
We have come a long way in the last sixty years. Christian ethical beliefs - which include thou shalt not steal, murder, bear false witness, commit adultery, love God and love thy neighbour as thyself, which made this nation great, have now been ruled harmful to children.
We have come a long way in the last sixty years. Christian ethical beliefs - which include thou shalt not steal, murder, bear false witness, commit adultery, love God and love thy neighbour as thyself, which made this nation great, have now been ruled harmful to children.
The judgment applies to fostering and implicitly to adoption, but how long will it be before Social Services will be rounding up ordinary Christian families and taking their children away on exactly the same grounds as the judges used against Owen and Eunice Johns?
Barnados are sympathetic to homosexuality, and their chief has urged more snatching of children, homeschoolers came under threat in the previous parliament, while in Sweden, a boy was seized from his parents merely because they wanted to take him to school in India.
All that needs to happen is this: Your child goes to school and the topic of homosexuality comes up. 'I don't agree with that,' or 'My Mum and Dad say that's sinful,' says your child. Or your child says he or she believes in heaven and hell, or creation, or marriage, perhaps. The teacher reports the matter to Social Services and your whole family is under investigation and your children can be taken into care. That is merely one reason why so many parents are either paying for their children to go to Christian schools or homeschooling.
All that needs to happen is this: Your child goes to school and the topic of homosexuality comes up. 'I don't agree with that,' or 'My Mum and Dad say that's sinful,' says your child. Or your child says he or she believes in heaven and hell, or creation, or marriage, perhaps. The teacher reports the matter to Social Services and your whole family is under investigation and your children can be taken into care. That is merely one reason why so many parents are either paying for their children to go to Christian schools or homeschooling.
Christian parents and pastors need to be aware of the need to keep well away from Social Services. Never ever go to them for 'help'. We must never give them the slightest pretext to remove our children. MORE ON THAT HERE.
as a christian, I am opposed to homosexuality, because the Bible teaches against it. It is only this generation that has changed to be in favour of homosexuality. The previous decisions were right on a moral and a christian basis. Muslims and Hindus are also opposed to homosexuality.