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Thursday 31 March 2011


Christian Voice is planning a prophetic evangelistic witness to reach the lost souls going to the Anglesey homosexual Mardi Gras.  It is the first event of its kind in North Wales and we aim to oppose the shameful promotion of sodomy on the Island and preach the Gospel of salvation, healing and deliverance in Jesus Christ.  There is another weblink about the event HERE.  (Sad and indicative, isn't it, that a website simply informing homosexual people about 'what's on' must advertise bizarre apparatus, pornography and strip shows?)
Last September we had a highly successful and well-attended outreach at Cardiff Mardi Gras, covering all entrances to the event.
At a time when gay activists are agitating to celebrate their civil partnerships - a mockery of marriage - in churches, and the Coalition is promising legislation to enact this depravity, it is important the Church of Jesus Christ stands up for righteousness.
Relevant Bible articles on the Christian Voice website look at what the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah says about God's institution of marriage and at the universal application of biblical morality in Leviticus.
Because the verses in Leviticus condemning sodomy are often taken out of context, we have a link to the full text of chapters 18, 19 and 20 HERE.
And to stop the ignorant (we believe in a God who works miracles!) saying that eating shellfish is equally as bad in the Bible as sodomy, I have even analysed the Hebrew words translated 'abomination' and found a few surprises HERE.
PRAY: You can pray for the 'Mardi Gras' event to be washed out and for take-up of the over-priced tickets to be minimal.  Or you can pray for fine weather and good attendance so that more people can be reached with the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ! 
Definitely pray for a large number of evangelists to come and share the good news that Jesus can indeed forgive a life of sin, and can heal the emotional pathologies which drive men and women so sadly into the arms of those of the same sex.  Men and women have walked away from the homosexual lifestyle.  Our message will be: however you became 'gay', you don't have to stay gay.
VENUE: Meet at 6.00pm on Friday and 10.00am on Saturday outside Mona Showground, LL65 4RW. It's on the A5 (not the A55) just west of Llangefni.  We shall give out leaflets explaining the sinfulness of homosexual activity, our responsibility to keep the laws of God, how the blood which Jesus Christ shed on the Cross brings forgiveness for sins, and that his Resurrection on the first Easter Sunday means a new beginning and a new life.

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