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Thursday 31 March 2011


Very worrying article in the DAILY EXPRESS about how Islamic governments are funding courses, chairs and institutions in our universities.  It is based on a 2009 Report from the Centre for Social Cohesion but is even more relevant today given the growing concern over the Islamification of British Society and the growth of Islamic student groups in places of higher education.
I love the spin from Oxford University at the end of the EXPRESS article.  Note how they do not refer to the Middle East Centre, (see Report pp 31ff) nor to the donation to the Ashmolean, but instead concentrate on the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies alone.  Even then, what they say about the OCIS (do click on the OCIS link and get a musical surprise) is spin (see Report p54ff) and decidedly economical with the truth.  That means they have something to hide.  Note on p55 how the OCIS received £150,000 from Osama bin Laden's family at a time when Ozzie was plotting the Twin Towers outrage.  There is a link to Tablighi Jamaat of mega-mosque fame on Report p59.
We shall be running an analysis on this matter in our April Christian Voice newsletter.  We shall encourage people to write to their MPs and ask their MP to ask the Secretary of State for Education what the Government plans to do to prevent Universities accepting money from Islamist despots. 
As to the university and college lslamic groups, really, we need radical Christian students to counter this particular Islamic threat.  The existing Christian Union student groups are doing great work in evangelism, but maybe they need the boost of prophetic Christian groups standing alongside them.  Anyone up for that?

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