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Friday, 1 April 2011


You really couldn't make it up - but Pink News did.

A mobile internet application which enables men to pick up other men for anonymous outdoor casual sex, a practice known in homosexual circles as 'cruising', has become an April Fools Day headline for the website PinkNews, which reports things of interest to homosexuals.

The 'app', known as 'Kroozr' (get it?) aims to supplant another called 'Grindr', say Pink News.  But even though Pink News intend the article as an April Fool, it was based on the reality that homosexual men are sadly driven towards picking up complete strangers for transient sexual encounters.  So when we speak of freedom in our outreach to the North Wales Mardi Gras, due to be held on Anglesey in two weeks time (15th & 16th April), we mean freedom from the homosexual life-style, with all its promiscuity, disease, physical danger and emotional limitations.

In that post, I wrote this about the website 'gaytoz': 'Sad and indicative, isn't it, that a website simply informing homosexual people about 'what's on' must advertise bizarre apparatus, pornography and strip shows?'  That is why 'Kroozr' is entirely plausible.

In PinkNews' own words:

'A new iPhone app is threatening to knock Grindr off its perch as the number one app for gay men.
'Kroozr claims to use smartphone technology to determine whether men in the user’s vicinity are gay and can even filter out undesirables, such as those wearing sandals with socks.
'According to creator Peter Kelly, the app takes the guesswork out of gaydar, cuts down on valuable ‘sussing out’ time and weeds out weirdos.
'All users need to do is turn on their smartphone and wait for Kroozr to assess nearby men with its inbuilt Kinsey Scale.
'Mr Kelly said: “Kroozr is the new future of gay dating that will turn every trip to M&S, every queue for the cashpoint, every Boris bike trip into a hot party full of your type of guy.
'“Just fill in the details of your ideal man, turn on the app and go about your business. When you get within eyeshot of a hot guy, you can check him out on Kroozr.”'

Everything about the depravity, the sadness, the lack of normality, even of humanity, the promiscuity driven by the pathology of homosexuality is distilled into Pink News's April Fool.  Thank God that men and women have walked away from homosexual desires through the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ.  May the Church stand up and minister the saving and healing grace of Jesus to the lost at the same time as standing against the wickedness in high places promoting sodomy and abominations like 'gay marriage'.

And of course, Apple have dropped the Exodus International app after massive pressure by 'the gays', scared that someone might turn away from homosexuality.  Are we that far from Sodom and Gomorrah?

Although I was initially taken in by Pink News's April Fool, that is only because it made so much sense to anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge of the 'gay scene' and of recent technological advances.  After all, the technology is out there - just google 'dating apps' if you don't believe me, add in a bit of GPS tracking to the app and all gay men have to do is enter their characteristics, what sort of men and sexual activities they like and dislike, and they are up and 'cruising', to use their expression.  And there would be a demand for a mobile cruising app, if the response to the launch of gay dating app 'bender' (I kid you not) is anything to go by.  That app claims to have gone from 0 to 100,000 users in just five months.

So there is a money-making future for 'Kroozr'.  Life is going to imitate art here, make no mistake.

Source; pink news:


  1. "You really couldn't make it up."

    'Cept, of course, they did.

    April fool!

    (And no, I don't expect this comment to ever see the light of day)

  2. What's the date again? Oh...

  3. You do realize the app was a joke right?? Oh man, if you think an app on a phone can id a person wearing socks and sandals you should probably spend your time educating yourself rather than spewing your homophobic rhetoric

  4. Well you posted this on April Fools' Day, so it's a joke, right? I mean, everyone knows there's no such technology that can do that, and the story is so obviously nonsense to parody the gay stereotype (or at least the Christian view of gays). I HOPE for your IQ that you realized this was a joke and are posting it as a joke. If not, then, I feel sorry for you!

  5. Ah, you fell for it. Just goes to show, those wicked, godless Sodomites will stop at nothing to make God's elect look stupid.

  6. Stop at nothning?

    We don't even have to start... God's elect do the whole thing by themselves... :-)
