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Friday 12 August 2011


The SNP is possibly the least 'gay-friendly' political outfit north of the border but a row has blown up in it after a group of SNP MSPs stepped out to protect freedom of conscience over same-sex 'marriage'.

SNP MSP John Mason took the lead, tabling a motion at Holyrood stating that no person or organisation should be forced to be involved or to approve of same-sex marriage.

That seems resaonable, but a homosexual SNP MEP has insulted his party colleagues calling them 'bigots' (of course)

The Daily Express reports: 'Nationalist MEP Alyn Smith joined opposition leaders in berating four SNP MSPs for their “mean” and “angry” stance on gay weddings.'

The ill-tempered outburst comes just ten weeks after the Church of Scotland voted to allow homosexual men and women to become ministers.
Perhaps it is worth reminding ourselves of what the Lord Jesus Christ said about human sexuality: 

Mark 10:6  But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 10:7  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;  10:8  And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

And becoming one flesh, in all the beauty and mystery of sexual intercourse, is something a pair of gays or a couple of lesbians can never do.  In the words of Dr David Reuben, they are 'trying to solve the puzzle with only half the pieces'.

What a pity the Church of Scotland did not vote to minister the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ to people suffering from same-sex attraction.

Perhaps there are a few names even in the Kirk which have not defiled their garments; the  Lord Jesus would say 'they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.' (Rev 3:4)  They may also need a law passed a little like that which John Mason proposes. 

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