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Thursday, 16 June 2011


The pseudo-Christian group Ekklesia is among the organizations supporting Symon Hill's silly walk.  Ekklesia, which masquerades as a Christian think-tank, was founded in 2002 and incorporated in 2006.

According to their website, the organization "aims to advance ideas in a range of policy areas from a forward-thinking ... " and drones on in this way for pages.
It should come as no surprise that Ekklesia has endorsed Mr. Hill's stunt, seeing that Symon Hill is himself has been what they describe as 'associate director' of the fringe group since June 2009.

Though Ekklesia claims on its website to be "deeply rooted in the Christian tradition", their policy positions reveal them to be merely a pawn of the militant secularist agenda. Ekklesia does not even try to hide the fact that they are against Christendom.  As they write on their website:
"Ekklesia's approach to issues of religion in the public sphere is primarily shaped by a strong theological and political critique of 'Christendom' ...  We think it is absolutely vital to understand the impact of the emerging 'post-Christendom' situation in Britain and elsewhere ... . Post-Christendom can be a positive opportunity to build a new set of relationships. We see our role as helping to reinterpret it in a positive light, both for those who have faith and for those who do not."
This is not the first time that Ekklesia has jumped on the bandwagon of an anti-Christian  campaign. The group's work in the past has including everything from scathing attacks on the theory of intelligent design to unsuccessful attempts to change St. George's day into a "day of dissent."  Naturally, 'Israel bad, Palestinians good' on planet Ekklesia.
Ekklesia has a total capital of £4.00 and its Memorandum of Association is that of a general commercial company albeit one which does not actually appear to trade much if at all.  It appears to have no assets except £4,000 in cash. Its abbreviated accounts for the year ending 31st May 2008 showed a turnover of £31,228, or which £27,938 was 'transactions with directors'.
It's directors are:
Simon Michael Andrew
Jonathan Charles Bartley - Co-Director
Benjamin William Harvey - Web Director
Nicholas Mark Turner - Marketing Director

Symon Hill, although stated to be the company's 'Associate Director' is not actually a director of the company.  All of the people who write or blog for Ekklesia have other jobs.

Other churches and organisations supporting Symon's Silly Walk.
Accepting Evangelicals
All Hallows Church, Leeds
Bisexual Index
Bury St Edmunds Friends' Meeting
Changing Attitude
City URC, Cardiff
Community Church, Surbiton
Courage Scotland
Courage UK
First Sunday
Greenbelt Festival
Inclusive Church
Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement
New Road Parents
St Columba's URC, Oxford
Student Christian Movement
Westminster Friends' Meeting
Workshop/ Anvil Trust
Young Friends' General Meeting


  1. I have no problem with people holding views different from my own but this is no more than sloganeering. There seems to be no intelligent engagement with the issues from Symon Hill and it saddens me that he has fallen back on the typical name-calling indulged in by the gay lobby. I don't agree with same sex marriage but that does not make me homophobic. I have reasons for believing what I believe and it is not simply a reaction, or a phobia.

    Ironically, Christians who court popularity are the least likely to have a positive impact on society because, even among sinners, it is those who stick to their principles that gain respect, even if it is grudging. Popularity is the death nell of the church.

  2. I can't know if Symon Hill is a Christian or not, it's a matter only he and God can know and not for me to judge, but I expect his walk is not "silly" to him. I can only commend Symon for turning his back on bigotry in favour of showing peace and respect for the lives of others who return the same courtesy, as Christ taught. It is also heartening to see so many Christian groups showing their support for his public statement. If only more people in this world would put hate behind them and embrace a more spiritual outlook towards humanity.

  3. It is not a bigotry to accept the biblical values and morals we Christians should have. Christ never accepted sinners that wouldn't repent only ones willing to follow him, he accepted any sinner willing to repent. There are biblical examples of correction to unrepentant believers who are in sin and will not listen to correction these include being cut off from their people and being delivered unto Satan as we read in the new Testament not accepting sinful practice but for the sake of believers so the soul will be saved.

    There is a big difference between someone committing a sin believing it's not a sin when the Bible teaches clearly that it is, than a Christian who has a problem who is trying to repent.

    I speak as someone who has had many homosexual experiences having been brought up by a single parent gay father, (who never touched me by the way). I loved people of my own sex and still do but have long learned to separate love from perversion and excepted no sex outside of Christian marriage.
